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    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
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    Tuesday, March 28

    Field trip to PASIR RIS PARK for CIP program and Seashore and Marine-Life workshop.

    Wooh, at first I was at home, then my friends call me and told me that parent-letter cannot cover CIP de, so I chiong to school, take cab, zoom zoom.

    10 minutes later, I was at school, friend pass to me my bag and shoes (left my sport shoes in class) and I slipped it on, tie lace. Then we gather and got onto the bus.

    Listen to mp3 and talk alot on the bus, then the teacher count how many of us were on the bus.

    Reach the beach, some students change shoes, then we gathered nearby the shore and listen to the instructor as he told us about dangerous creatures blah blah.

    Then we went to pick up litter! Using tongs, we pick up the plastic bag, some shoe soles, bottles and some other WEIRD things. After this activity, it was low-tide, so we went to find some marine creatures and put them in trays.

    We look at one of the breakwater areas, you know, the big big rock hills, with a flat top. There was one boy, and one girl there. Hugging. AHEM, lol. We were all looking in that direction, the instructor then turned and look also, he was like, "Dont disturb them la, next time you all also kena." Then we laugh. hahaha!

    At the beginning, one of my friends stumbled on this sea urchin. He thought it was a rambutan, lol. Rambutan where got black black one, and what is it doing at the beach? Then he step. Die lo. He scream, then we all go there and see. Dead. -.-
    It broke in half, then we can see the inside, the meat, and the digestive system.

    K lah, 30 minutes through picking and finding those marine creatures, we saw the crows attacking our bags and belongings >=( and some of them kinda saw that a few crows attacked our chips and it was being EATEN. Then another guy scream, he was like, OH NO! I dont care but, MY IPOD AND MY PHONE ARE ALL THERE. Laugh again. hahahahaha. Some of my friends chiong towards the crows, I also follow la, so fun.
    Then they all fly away onto the coconut and those trees you find along the shore.
    We guard our belongings, stand there like Sir Stamford Raffles lidat. Then we see the nachos, got one hole there. Diao. Our snack! nuu..

    A while later, when we were still guarding our stuff from the evil crows, there was some noise coming from another group, then we look towards the shore. Got one guy, his name is Kieran, damn tall one, like 1.8-1.9m tall. He looked short, cos he SUNK into the muddy sandy crap. Then we tried to pull him out! SUCCESS! =D But his legs were like full of slugs, and algae. Disgusting luh, then they all go wash. Then we look at the stone hill again, the TWO of them still cuddling each other.

    Before we left, some of the more artistic-sided students took a stick or metal rod, then we draw! :D Draw then erase, draw then erase. I draw one MapleStory character, and a "2E2 WAS HERE!". Haha, then we all go buy some tibits, ice cream, lollipop, can drink and got onto the bus.

    Went back to school, I changed into my SUPER BIG SHIRT. haha, and again, black ankle socks in school shoes. Just got home, about an hour or two ago. Now Shaun just call me, so um, i'll blog more later on.. (:

    Ending with the famous words, till-here! haha!

    Ahh okay.
    I'm just going to cover 2.4km before typing out what we did today at Pasir Ris Park (:

    Okayy, 2.4km was a while ago, last thursday.
    Instead of running five rounds around the school, this time, our P.E. teachers found a 1-round route, so we only have to run one round, however, there was a slope.

    Yahh, for those who know where this place is, you'd know it's pretty steep.
    The torturing Sunshine Terrace slope! >=)

    So then the teachers told us the route, then he was like, OKAY..START!
    So sudden, so we got on our feet (and we were damn stretched after the warm ups) and went running.

    First part was easy but cramp, cos there's about 4 classes running, which is about 100 guys, ABOUT.
    Then some of my friends ran onto the road-side pavement, and I followed behind.
    Jog jog jog, then we jumped across three big steps onto a higher platform, continue jogging.

    Straight ahead, onto the platform, and avoid the cars. Then we turn right, STRAIGHT AHEAD, then we can see the TORTURE SLOPE!! o____o;

    Jog up, feel the strain around your leg's hamstring area, very sharp pierce.
    Then down the long curvy platform, not very steep, but long and curvy, as it surrounds one football field.

    Then we can speed up a bit, this part is straight to the school gate, before we turn right and continue one more round of the school.

    So we run behind the classes, onto the basketball courts, turn right, the field, turn right, straight ahead and turn into general office area.

    That part was tiring, from solid pavements to brick tiling, then onto slick basketball court onto the soft field and back onto bricks. Then got slippery tilings.

    70m away from the general office, which is about 90m away from finishing point, I started sprinting, picking up momentum, 3rd step and I wanted to over take this guy in front of me cos he was SLOW, and I stepped onto the metal railing at the side..

    *SLIP* and I rammed into the pillar.. my ear went right into it, but I didnt care and pushed myself away from the pillar and I continued sprinting toward the finishing point. Then got one sharp turn, I suddenly see my friend and almost knock into him, then in the end he finish 0.5 second earlier than me -.-

    Then ear bleeding, I use my sleeve and wipe. Woot, red blood!
    Take some water and dap onto the shirt, then the blood clot. Meh, disgusting.

    10 minute plus, that's my timing. Sucky eh?

    K la, that's about it for 2.4km.

    Monday, March 27

    I'm updating my blog currently, since I'm at home with some stomach ache and have nothing better to do.

    I have been wanting to post some stuff, such as :
    -recent 2.4km run
    -and some school stuff
    -other crap that i cant remember

    anyway, i'll be doing a new layout, and maybe change my blogspot address..

    Monday, March 20

    School was OKay.
    However, I expect less and less people to come online as everyone would get busier each day.
    Just today, I already have 3 sets of homework, EXCLUDING those that I havent really done finish during the holiday's.

    So I'll miss some of ya (:
    So today I went to KFC with Shawn, Huang.
    Meh, shrooms burger damn small lah, but still quite tasty.
    Anyway, I was moaning while eating it, because it hurts with braces on.

    Mmm, still, if you're REALLY busy, make it a point to come online and maybe we could chat or something, because it's really boring these days, and I have nothing better to do.. =/

    Till here. lol. here.

    Saturday, March 18

    How's a girlfriend or boyfriend going to do your life any good?
    If you do not understand what I meant by the above statement, and you're attached, then something is wrong.

    I myself dont really understand also, maybe it makes life more exciting?

    *Sits in a corner and thinks*

    Thursday, March 16

    Hello all =D
    Thank you for visiting the OLD new blog of hansel's.

    I've updated quite a bit, and if you read the "Love" column, dont be distracted by the "your mother" part, lol.

    Just a little joke, haha!

    Holidays are kinda boring, but anyways, here's my schedule :

    -wake up, brush teeth, and all the other lame stuff you do when you wake up
    -turn on the computer, then the tv, and watch channel 8 for fun.
    -go online Conquer Online to make money~ haha.
    -then go and visit all the blogs at my link, especially the girls.. just kidding
    -read yesterday's smses before deleting them
    -call shaun and meet up at TP central
    -go shaun house
    -meet up with friends and go to shawn's house
    -leave from shawn's house with shaun and go home
    -bed :)

    boring right? well this is what i do..
    anything else you want me to add in? TAG it! =D

    haha, that's about it la.. time to go shaun house, haha!
    byebye ^^

    Monday, March 13

    Okayys, I haven't been blogging due to over dose of online gaming, consisting of Gunz, Conquer online and other crap. Haha, and I DONT have crushes =P Well, not currently. haha. Maybe I do, but then, it's up to you to guess who :) One person has guessed it so far, and that's your ONLY clue ^^ I'm working on a website project now, so I wont be blogging anytime soon.